Separation from what we love causes us pain, sometimes even regret. The Bible narrates the story of separation from the created intended relationship between God and humanity. The consequences from that separation permeate the natural world, and we exist in alienation from God.
Alienated from our source relationship with the Creator, we perpetuate this state of separation through choice. Our bodies, minds, relationships and world bear the consequences.
Nothing is left untouched when a human heart operates out of the beliefs contrary to original design. Alone with our conscience, remorse and isolation forms a vacuum of purpose. We are left chasing fulfilment— the next big thing, the right person, the successful outcomes.
Many religious efforts have tried to bridge the gap- from Ancient Ziggurats building a tower to the heavens, to the systems of rituals and behavioural models aimed at being good enough. History has stocked the shelves with attempts at absolution.
Religion is often described as a ladder trying to reach God- and nothing works. Instead the systems intended for good fester with corruption.