God with skin on moved into the neighbourhood. Jesus Christ, God Himself, in human form lived and breathed on the earth. His humble beginnings started the subversive movement, and his teachings illuminated a kingdom like none ever seen.
Jesus was killed because he claimed to be God. They stripped him and shamed him publicly and died one of the most painful deaths there was.
He did the one thing that is most important to someone who is suffering- he joined in the suffering. The debt of humanity’s separation was paid for by Jesus’ crucifixion, a bridge built across the chasm of failed human effort to reach God.
The reality of death rules with fear. When Jesus rose from the dead, he challenged with the reality of life beyond the grave. On this claim of resurrection Christianity rests. If there was no resurrection, there is no Christ. His display of power cemented his claims of deity and secured our destiny.
Your life, Your choice.