God speaks, God creates- the story begins. God creates to form community through love relationships. The Creation legacy found in the first book of the Bible poetically tells the story of God in movement to form the world we know.  Intended design echoed through nature with the message: You are loved.




Sin is commonly thought of as a list of things we have done wrong. This idea of sin fuels a system that recruits allegiance through condemnation. Understanding the biblical theory of sin brings freedom, not heaviness. There is no permission in this theory for power mongering and abuse. Sin is a universal state of heart - no exemptions.




Jesus Christ, his life, death and resurrection mark a turning point commonly called the gospel- or ‘good news’. In a world where corruption controls, the antithesis to human power systems is a baby born in a stable. The kingdom he taught about is unlike anything built by human hands, and the invitation to belong is indiscriminate and universal.




An invitation requires a response, its nature is opportunity, not imposition. The human ability to choose is what sets us apart in the evolution of being. Jesus offers the choice to pursue relationship with God, or not. The choice to follow Christ is one that recruits the mind, body and spirit into total allegiance.